Practicing Self Care

Woman snuggling with dog on couch with caption that reads Practicing Self Care. NormaLyte logo
Woman snuggling with dog on couch with caption that reads Practicing Self Care. NormaLyte logo

There are times in life when illnesses can just take over your mood.  That takeover can really affect your mental health.  Enter self care.  


Defined as the practice of looking after your own health using knowledge and information available to you. Self care is simply about taking care of your mental and physical health so that it can improve overall.  Managing stress can lower your risk of illness and increase your energy levels.


It can look like a lot of different things.  At its most basic level, self care is about taking your medications on time without missing doses, not skipping doctors appointments, and keeping a close eye on your mental health.

Beyond the most basic levels, self care can look differently for everyone.  We compiled some suggestions for ways that you can practice self care.

  • Read a book
  • Watch your favorite tv show on the couch
  • Snuggled up with your pup or cat
  • Take a nap
  • Hydrate
  • Taking breaks from work
  • Take a bath
  • Painting
  • Social media break (even if it’s just one night)
  • Meditation
  • Crafting
  • Eat balanced meals
  • Have a cup of tea
  • Saying no
  • Listen to a true crime podcast
  • Recite words of affirmation

Really, anything that makes you feel better emotionally or physically can be considered self care.


Improving physical health

If you’re listening to your body and you know your physical limitations, then you’ll know what needs more attention and what you can push a little further.  For instance, if you’re experiencing brain fog it could simply be that you need to hydrate with an oral rehydration salt to practice self care.  Brain fog is sometimes a symptom of dehydration.

A commitment to your body and becoming attuned to its unique needs will ensure youR physical health is being managed.

Improving mental health

Everyone has been to the point where everything feels oh so overwhelming.  Nothing is going right, and your health is not improving.  If you suffer from a chronic illness such as postural orthostatic tachycardia syndrome (or POTS) it is easy to get overwhelmed by not feeling well day after day.  If you’re not keeping a positive attitude, it’s likely your physical health will also suffer.

Remember, self care should never be a replacement for seeking out a mental health professional.  However, ensuring your mental health is protected can help you recognize a problem before it starts.

Boost self esteem

You have to give yourself permission to be kind to yourself.  You weren’t able to go out with friends because your chronic illness kept you away.  Don’t feel guilty and think that your friends are going to push you out because you need rest.  They may understand more than you think, and sometimes fostering friendships can look like more than physical time together.

Once you learn to give yourself some grace you may find that your self esteem will improve too.  You are loved, you are wanted, you are rocking this life!  Believe it.

Improve relationships

This may not seem like an area of worry when you’re talking about self care.  Other people.  But the fact remains that self care is important for your self esteem, how you feel overall, and how you may act towards others.  It can be hard to rise out of a slump, and it can also mean that you may not be very nice to others when you feel cruddy.  But if you’re taking care of yourself, then you may find that your closest relationships may also improve.  You will be happier.  

Married or not, the quote comes to mind, “Happy wife, happy life.” While that may typically be used in reference to making someone else happy (the wife) the sentiment still applies.  If you’re happy you will exude some of that happiness to others around you.  The happier and healthier you are, the more you will be able to give to others around you.


Living with chronic illnesses is very difficult.  It can take a toll not only on your physical body but also your mental health as well.  Find a routine.  Learn to say no. 

It can be easy to let chronic illness take over how you feel inside.  Self care can help prevent depression.  If you suffer from chronic illness keep a close eye on your mental health at all times.  If it begins to feel like too much, there's no shame in seeking help.


Did you know that 75% of people are walking around dehydrated?  Talk about NOT practicing self care.  Brain fog, fatigue, dizziness, irritability, headache, and more are all symptoms of dehydration.  One of the quickest and most effective ways to rehydrate is with a medical grade electrolyte like NormaLyte. Clinically proven to manage symptoms of POTS, NormaLyte can prevent the need for IV therapies by 33%.  

If you haven’t tried NormaLyte, we recommend checking out our free samples!

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