Project POTS - A College Girl's Experiences Living with Postural Orthostatic Tachycardia Syndrome
Follow along with Valerie, a college student living with Postural Orthostatic Tachycardia Syndrome (or POTS). Valerie shares her story and experiences while answering your questions about living life to its fullest with POTS and the other chronic illnesses she has.
Through videos and livestreams, Valerie is here to serve as a resource and help in any way she can. You can also download Valerie's free e-Book: A College Girl's Life Experiences Living with POTS.
Episode 1: Meet Valerie, Our NormaLyte Ambassador!
In this episode, Valerie introduces herself and talks a little about her journey of being diagnosed with POTS. Valerie is allowing us all to take a glimpse at what it's like living with chronic illness while successfully going through college...See More
Episode 2: College Life and POTS
College is a big question for many young people newly diagnosed with POTS. Is it even possible to live with a chronic illness and complete something as challenging as college when you just don't feel good. Listen as Valerie talks about making that big decision...See More
Episode 3: Importance of Friends When You Have POTS
Life is different when you have a chronic illness. Making new friends, keeping old friends, and maintaining any relationship can be next to impossible. Friendships are important in life, but especially in college. Valerie talks about how she's maintaining college life and friendships despite POTS...See More
Episode 4: Managing Flares When You Have POTS
You never know when a flare from your chronic illness is going to take its hold on your day or week. Valerie talks about how to manage flares in college after having an epic flare herself. It can be difficult, but it is possible to manage! Check out the tips she shares...See More
Episode 5: Being Spontaneous while having POTS
College life is often synonymous with being ready to go at any moment. When you have POTS or another chronic illness, that spontaneity that your friends enjoy isn't realistic when you're low on spoons. Hear Valerie talk about how she managed a pop up outing with a friend...See More
Episode 6: Beating the Heat with POTS
When it's hot outside and you suffer from a chronic illness like POTS, getting dehydrated is a serious matter. Not only that, you lose spoons just being in the heat. Listen to the tips Valerie gives in regards to being in college during the hotter months. Walking to class? These tips are for you!...See More
Episode 7: Brain Fog in POTS
Huh? What was that you were saying? I forgot again, didn't I? Brain fog really can be like that. You can't concentrate, and that's the worst possible thing that could happen when you're in college. Moments of fog can affect your day. Learn how Valerie manages brain fog with POTS while in college...See More
Episode 8: Dysautonomia Awareness Month
October is Dysautonomia Awareness Month. POTS is a form of Dysautonomia and Valerie talks a little about continuing to be the warrior you know you are despite your diagnosis!...See More
Episode 9: Traveling Tips When You Have POTS
When you have a chronic illness that reacts to gravity shifts it can be very difficult to travel, especially by air. Living away from home also means frequent travel back home. Listen to the tips Valerie offers on how to travel when you have a chronic illness such as POTS...See More
Episode 10: Finals Season When You Have POTS
Nothing like making your heart rate increase naturally than with finals! Are you in college with POTS and you're wondering how you'll survive finals season? Valerie gives valuable feedback on how to survive finals...See More
Episode 11: New Semester Tips to Live with POTS
It's a new semester of college and you're living with a chronic illness. That scenario alone is enough to make you feel drained of all your spoons. Valerie talks about how she faces a new semester with new professors, new classmates, and more...See More
Episode 12: Dealing With A Severe POTS Episode & Winning
Valerie had a POTS flare, and she survived. How do you deal with a chronic illness flare? Valerie talks about what works for her in hopes that you can also have some ideas of how to manage flares of POTS or any other chronic illness while you're in college...See More
Episode 13: Medication Changes in POTS
Treatment for POTS and other chronic illnesses looks different for everyone. But you can be prepared for those changes and how they will help you long term. Listen as Valerie talks about a recent change in her medication...See More
Episode 14: Disclosing Your POTS Condition
Talking about your chronic illness is a strategic move. No matter if you're talking to friends, family, coworkers, or even professors. How you talk about it is just as important. Listen as Valerie discusses her strategy...See More