Find Your Normal Blog

Should you disclose your chronic illness? The short answer is; it depends. Maybe you're struggling with who and how to tell those around you. Listen Valerie, a college girl, talks about how she's handled this delicate topic.
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Those of us spoonies who suffer from chronic illness know that switching up medication is inevitable, and it stinks. Being prepared for those switches can make all the difference. A sufferer of postural orthostatic tachycardia syndrome (POTS) discusses her recent experience in switching meds.
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When you've had a horrific flare with your chronic illness life can feel like just too much. Valerie talks about living through those flare and not losing hope. Reach out to your support system when you need help.
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There's nothing that gives us anxiety more than starting something new. A new semester of college is the exact same. New professors, new assignments. All that can pile up. Do you have a plan to get back to class this semester?
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EPISODE 10 Finals Season When You Have POTS - Postural Orthostatic Tachycardia Syndrome Hello NormaLyte community and welcome back to another episode of Project POTS. Now that the spring break is over, it is that dreaded time for a college...
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