Find Your Normal Blog

Woman with dark hair wearing a disposable face mask.  The caption reads Long Covid or POTS postural orthostatic tachycardia syndrome with the NormaLyte logo at the bottom
Let’s talk about long covid a minute. I know.  You’re ready to move past the topic of COVID19.  Believe me, I am too.  The fact remains that COVID is still causing a ruckus.   There have been reports of an increased number...
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Heat Intolerance Hacks | NormaLyte ORS Oral Rehydration Salt | woman in pink shirt standing in front of vintage metal fan to get cool.
Heat Intolerance Hacks Spring is around the corner.  That means that the weather can change faster than the Top Thrill Dragster at Cedar Point in Illinois (it reaches speeds of 120mph!).  You wake up and it’s slightly above freezing outside. ...
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POTS and Your Period | NormaLyte ORS Oral Rehydration Salt Electrolyte Powder
POTS and Your Period It’s that time again.  Aunt Flo, an unwelcome friend, is in town. No, we aren’t talking about an actual person, a crazy auntie.  We are talking about your monthly menstrual cycle; your period.  Once a taboo topic,...
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Coconut Water VS ORS | NormaLyte ORS Oral Rehydration Salt Electrolyte Powder
Coconut Water vs. ORS What’s all the hype with coconut water?  A few years ago it felt like all the shelves were being lined with brands that promoted the healing effects of coconut water.  Today some brands still remain while...
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Poor Man's Tilt Table Test | NormaLyte ORS Oral Rehydration Salt Electrolyte powder
The Poor Man's Tilt Table Test You suspect that you may have a form of dysautonomia called POTS, or Postural Orthostatic Tachycardia Syndrome.  However, you haven’t been diagnosed with it officially.  You’ve heard stories from other people talking about their...
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