The Poor Man's Tilt Table Test

The Poor Man's Tilt Table Test
You suspect that you may have a form of dysautonomia called POTS, or Postural Orthostatic Tachycardia Syndrome. However, you haven’t been diagnosed with it officially. You’ve heard stories from other people talking about their experiences living with POTS and you’re starting to connect the dots that something may be amiss.
You may have also heard that it could take up to seven years (!!) to get an official diagnosis. That’s the incredibly disappointing average for most people living with POTS to get a diagnosis. The reason is that POTS is often misdiagnosed as an anxiety disorder.
What can you do in the meantime?
You have been listening to your body. You know it better than anyone else, but you’re also not a doctor or a specialist for dysautonomia. That’s okay! There are some ways that you can unofficially diagnose yourself with POTS at home. Be aware this is not an official way to receive a diagnosis. You should always consult your physician and never self diagnose yourself. However, knowing how your body acts and providing the evidence you need to your physician can be a game changer to a quicker answer.
Introducing the… Poor Man’s Tilt Table Test
The gold standard for diagnosing POTS in the doctor's office is the infamous tilt table test. During this test, you lay flat on a table that allows you to be adjusted vertically and horizontally. It’s meant to simulate standing in a controlled environment. Access to these tables can take a long time, and sometimes they aren’t available in your area.
You can replicate this test easily at home while you’re waiting to speak to your doctor with the Poor Man’s Tilt Table Test.
The poor man’s tilt table test is used simply to record your findings so that you can take it back to your doctor for hope of a clearer answer on what is going on within your body. It is not meant to be an official diagnosis.
- Lay completely still for 5-10 minutes. Do not talk or move during that time and try to completely relax your body.
- Record your heart rate while continuing to lay down.
- Stand from the lying position. If possible, continue standing for 5 minutes.
- Record your heart rate.
- If possible, continue standing for 5 additional minutes (10 in total)
- Record your heart rate.
That’s it! It’s super easy to do on your own. Keep in mind that it’s important to listen to your body. If you feel like you are getting faint upon standing then stop, and lay back down.
If your heart rate increases 30 beats or more, then that’s indicative of POTS. Average people may experience a very slight increase in heart rate when they stand, but it’s not normal for your heart rate to rise above 30 beats just for standing. Your doctor can even replicate this test in his office.
Did you heart rate increase? You may want to try NormaLyte to manage your symptoms until you've gotten to the doctor.
Managing Symptoms of POTS
Maybe you are newly diagnosed with POTS or it’s probable you were diagnosed some time ago, but you are still trying to figure out a way to manage the symptoms you’re experiencing. You’ve come to the right place! NormaLyte has been clinically proven to manage symptoms of POTS. NormaLyte uses the World Health Organizations new formula on oral rehydration salts that promises 33% less need for IV rehydration therapy.
PURE NormaLyte was created in partnership with Dysautonomia International for people with POTS. If you suspect you have POTS and you need relief now, you may want to consider giving NormaLyte a try. We know it will help.
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