Find Your Normal Blog

When you've had a horrific flare with your chronic illness life can feel like just too much. Valerie talks about living through those flare and not losing hope. Reach out to your support system when you need help.
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There's nothing that gives us anxiety more than starting something new. A new semester of college is the exact same. New professors, new assignments. All that can pile up. Do you have a plan to get back to class this semester?
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EPISODE 10 Finals Season When You Have POTS - Postural Orthostatic Tachycardia Syndrome Hello NormaLyte community and welcome back to another episode of Project POTS. Now that the spring break is over, it is that dreaded time for a college...
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Can you travel when you have POTS or any other chronic illness? The short answer is, of course! Like the boy scout motto says, "Be prepared." Let's chat about how you can be prepared to travel when you have chronic illness.
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Do you have a form of dysautonomia? It can be strange to think about celebrating an illness, but we have to think of how far we've come. October is Dysautonomia Awareness Month and you should consider how you can celebrate your strengths and how far you've come since your diagnosis.
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