Find Your Normal Blog

Christmas survival kit for chronic illness | NormaLyte ORS Electrolyte for POTS
Christmas Survival Kit for Chronic Illness I think the holidays are stressful no matter who you are, but you add chronic illness to the equation and you’re sure to be stressed and exhausted while being left with no spoons to...
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Image is a family sitting together at a table with someone snapping a photo.  Caption reads: Thanksgiving and Chronic Illness | NormaLyte ORS Electrolyte for POTS
Thanksgiving and Chronic Illness Thanksgiving is my favorite holiday.  There’s no pressure to buy gifts or worry about whether the person receiving those gifts will appreciate the time and effort you put into it.  Everyone dresses nicely for dinner and...
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Woman on a tilt table with a blood pressure, heart rate, and oxygen cuff on smiling at the doctor who is performing the test. NormaLyte ORS Electrolyte for POTS
How to Prepare for the Tilt Table Test You’ve suspected you have POTS (postural orthostatic tachycardia syndrome) for a while and you’ve finally been approved for the infamous Tilt Table Test.  The Tilt Table Test, among doctors, is considered the...
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A person salting a basket of french fries with a milkshake in the background. A caption reads "How much sodium manages POTS" with the NormaLyte logo at the top.
If you’ve been diagnosed with POTS, a form of dysautonomia, then you’re asking yourself how much salt you should be taking to manage your symptoms.  Before we jump into that, let’s talk about salt.   For me, late night cravings can...
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