Find Your Normal Blog

POTS: 4 Secret Symptoms | NormaLyte ORS Electrolyte for POTS
It was a couple summers ago.  After going in and out of doctors offices for years, I finally got the diagnosis I was awaiting.  POTS, or Postural Orthostatic Tachycardia Syndrome.  A form of dysautonomia, POTS can cause people to have...
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Woman laying in a nice bed with a chronic illness flare.  The caption reads "So... you're in a flare. Now what?"
Now you’ve gone and done it.     A flare.  Okay, but seriously, it’s not your fault.  If you suffer from chronic illness, flares are inevitable.  You knew it was coming but were trying to pretend like it wasn’t.  However it...
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Glass of water at a faucet overfilling. Caption reads "how long does it take to rehydrate?" NormaLyte logo in white.
Our bodies are amazing.  For example, I found a study that suggests our hearts (and other autonomic functions) will match the beat of the music we listen to.  When it comes to dehydration, our bodies work perfectly and efficiently until...
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10 Ways to Drink More Water is the headline with NormaLyte logo underneath image of a glass of water with mint and lemon in it.
It’s a sneaky little bugger, dehydration.  It can come on seemingly by itself, and can cause a myriad of different symptoms including brain fog, fatigue, dizziness, headaches, and more.  If one of your new year’s resolutions is more exercise then...
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