Find Your Normal Blog

Dehydration In Your Sleep? | NormaLyte oral rehydration salt electrolyte powder
Dehydrated While You Sleep? Could your nighttime sleep be affected by your daytime hydration?  It’s possible. Drinking water is essential to your overall health.  After all, our bodies are made up of 60% water.  Water is essential for our survival;...
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Managing POTS with exercise in the new year | NormaLyte Oral Rehydration Salt Medical grade electrolyte
Managing POTS Through Exercise One of the biggest recommended ways to manage symptoms of postural orthostatic tachycardia syndrome (or POTS) is one that people dislike the most: exercise.  Studies have shown that exercise makes a difference in managing symptoms of...
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Young woman holding her face inside a bathroom with a shower curtain behind her.  Caption reads "Is it anxiety or pots?" Features the normalyte logo
Is it POTS or anxiety? Over and over we are hearing that patients with postural orthostatic tachycardia syndrome (POTS) are often misdiagnosed with anxiety disorders.  Sometimes it takes years for a diagnosis to come which can be frustrating and exhausting. ...
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