Find Your Normal Blog

10 Ways to Drink More Water is the headline with NormaLyte logo underneath image of a glass of water with mint and lemon in it.
It’s a sneaky little bugger, dehydration.  It can come on seemingly by itself, and can cause a myriad of different symptoms including brain fog, fatigue, dizziness, headaches, and more.  If one of your new year’s resolutions is more exercise then...
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Woman snuggling with dog on couch with caption that reads Practicing Self Care. NormaLyte logo
There are times in life when illnesses can just take over your mood.  That takeover can really affect your mental health.  Enter self care.   WHAT IS SELF CARE? Defined as the practice of looking after your own health using knowledge...
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Christmas survival kit for chronic illness | NormaLyte ORS Electrolyte for POTS
Christmas Survival Kit for Chronic Illness I think the holidays are stressful no matter who you are, but you add chronic illness to the equation and you’re sure to be stressed and exhausted while being left with no spoons to...
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